As a results-driven marketer in a manufacturing company, generating new leads can be challenging. You do your best and still get insufficient results. Sales teams point fingers at marketing.
Your efforts may appear not to be yielding fruit. As a result, the pressure increases, leaving you feeling uncertain about strategy and frustrated. Sound familiar?
You may be asking yourself:
How can I quickly generate quality leads?
How can I prove my value to the company?
Which tools can help me?
You can always do nothing, but:
You’ll miss out on potential customers
The sales team won’t take you seriously.
You’ll waste time because you don’t know which opportunities matter.
Your competitors will outpace you.
know there are options, but which ones? Many marketers in manufacturing companies struggle with this challenge. There hasn’t been a need to do things differently. The status quo was working. Until now.
Changing markets and technology need new approaches. Believe us, you’re not alone!
LeadBoxer has been translating online behavior into valuable acquisition insights for manufacturing companies for over 20 years. More than 5,000 people have successfully used this platform for direct customer and opportunity identification.
Join 1000+ business today
With this intelligent funnel:
You’ll never lack insights again.
Activities are converted into qualified leads.
The platform directly connects leads to right salesperson.
No sales opportunities are ever missed.
You’ll always stay one step ahead of the competition.
Want to learn more?
You don’t need to be an acquisition star to recognize new opportunities.
You’ll gain detailed insights into your website visitors instantly.
You’ll immediately see the results of your marketing efforts.
You’ll have real-time visibility into new sales opportunities.
You’ll receive a daily list of new hot leads with success potential.
Your sales colleagues will always engage with warmed-up leads.
You are just 3 steps away from serious leads.
"What would it mean if your marketing efforts always generated new leads?"
This is why other marketers and sales professionals choose Leadboxer:
They immediately felt confident about the system
They finally felt heard and understood
They were able to integrate with their manufacturing systems, CRM, and email platforms
They remained compliant with GDPR regulations, as all data is secured and stored in Europe
They gained direct access to technical and product specialists
They recognized in-depth lead generation expertise for the European manufacturing sector
“Leadboxer developed a custom integration that makes our company more successful”
T. Tognolli